Tuesday, August 18, 2009

my reflection

In all lessons we learn or discover .. For me I have lots of learning or discovery ..Like on how to create a blog ,, on how to post and on how to create a yahoo.mail ..We all know that computer subject is hard and we cant do it without instruction .. But its not my first time because when we are still in third year we used to learn a lot ..
All people have a problems and we can not deny it because problem is a part of our life ..For me the problem/challenges that I have encountered when I and my best friend get quarrel ..I was very disappointed because she told me that I am selfish ..
I address this problem/challenges to my parent because without them I cant solve my problems ..
Moving on ,,I will do my best to learn ..

1 comment:

  1. nice posts., but then i think you must have longer., they're too short., keep it up.,
