Tuesday, September 22, 2009

"Adapting to Diverse Science Culture for Development"

As a Science clubber, I have my own ways to develop more Science and Culture.....I think the one is by joining in the school activities or programs,, like planting trees and helping in cleaning the environment,I believe that by cleaning the environment atleast we can help protect our Mother Earth, because dirty environment can cause pollution. Second is by encouraging people to throw their garbage on their proper disposal and not to throw them on the sea or in any other bodies of water...
We all know that we are now living in a harmful world because of the latest issue about"Global Warming". And I think we have to cooperate with one another to prevent these problem or issue. Because we are the one who destroy the world. Not only that, by cooperating with one another,we can make our work better and faster. And these is also the key so that our country will become more progressive and worth living...
So let's help protect our mother earth and let's make the world worth living....

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